We popularise Belarusian art


Belarusian Contemporary Art Online Magazine

Belarusian Contemporary Art Online Magazine


About Us

Chrysalis Mag is a project aimed at positive changes and development in the field of culture and art in Belarus. We are a dynamic international association of Belarusian journalists, editors, artists and curators who are passionate about art and their work. Our goal is to popularize Belarusian art, the works of Belarusian artists located around the world by publishing unique material about artists and their works, searching for young artists and talents, helping businesses to find first-class contractors, as well as forming a contemporary art community. Our activities are realized both within the framework of the magazine and as commercials for worldwide media.

We want the prestige of Belarusian art to increase in the eyes of society, as well as to have an independent and easily accessible platform for artists, providing an opportunity to express themselves.

What we do

We focus on the international trends of contemporary art, create and collect knowledge about the original Belarusian works and their authors. The main criteria for publication by our editors is the originality of the work and a high level of professionalism.


We are looking for new names for their promotion and for formation of a united contemporary Belarusian art community and helping businesses to find first-class contractors


We publish unique materials and interviews with artists and translate them for the English version of our website in order to facilitate the entry of Belarusian art into the international scene


We create commercial materials about Belarusian art for foreign media (as an example, you can read our material for 'The Calvert Journal')

We create commercial materials about Belarusian art for foreign media (as an example, you can read our material for 'The Calvert Journal')


We introduce readers to the classics of Belarusian history of fine arts — the foundation that also forms the modern look of our art community


We carry out online activities & online exhibitions (Lockdown), offline exhibitions (Zerno)


Partner with other organizations and initiatives to create online and offline events (e.g. CreateCulture Space exhibition series in Vilnius).

How does Chrysalis Mag work

The magazine works on several platforms: a website, an Instagram page and a Telegram channel. The project platforms are replenished with exclusive materials: interviews with artists are realized, unique educational materials on art history are written and collected, news of Belarusan and world art community is disseminated. Our editors are constantly searching for new, unique, previously unpublished artists.

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Unique materials about Belarusian artists + Educational materials on art history of Belarusian artists of the past

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Selections of artists portfolio database and their CV



Encyclopedia of Belarusian artists

Encyclopedia of Belarusian artists



Notes on events in the world of Belarusian and world art

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Online & Offline Exhibition

A series of expositions of works by Belarusian artists curated by Chrysalis Mag

Выставка Ангелины Блащицыной в CreateCulture Space

Support for events

Assist in the dissemination and organization of events that include Belarusan art

Our advantages


Professional expertise of our team


Unique content


Support of media and galleries, respect among young artists


Accessible and flexible format (online)

Social significance

Contemporary art is completely absent in the concept of development of Belarus, but we believe that a healthy society cannot exist without it. Just like the economy, it cannot be successful without the creative part, while the situation in Belarus is critical and continues to degrade. We see a way to develop an intelligent economy and creative professions in the revival of Belarusian contemporary artists. Several problems that our project solves can be highlighted:


Public interest in art is lost


The state is not interested in art


There is lack of focus in creative economy

What does Chrysalis* mean

* Chrysalis (Latin chrysallis, from Greek χρυσός — gold) — a life stage of a butterfly before it appears as such. In our opinion, contemporary Belarusian art can be characterized by this stage of awakening, spreading wings, and integration into the international art community.

Chrysalis Mag in numbers

Number of applications for participation in the first online exhibition:


Followers on social media


Number of Belarusian names mentioned in the project:


PayPal: chrysalisartmagazine@gmail.com

Our media partners

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For Artists:
chrysalisartmagazine@gmail.com (subtitle: Artist)


For Advertisers & Partners:
chrysalisartmagazine@gmail.com (subtitle: Adv)

For Investors:
chrysalisartmagazine@gmail.com (subtitle: Support)










© Chrysalis Mag, 2018-2024
Reprinting of materials or fragments of materials
 is allowed only with the written permission














© Chrysalis Mag, 2018-2024
Reprinting of materials or fragments of materials
 is allowed only with the written permission